The power of social networks to destabilize our democracies and our lives, practices of the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the situation of women, that of refugees, that of the planet, the educational system, the financial system, urban design , the bullying... Any documentary, any book, any expert talking about any of these topics almost always concludes with the same idea: the need for what they know from experience or years of research to reach us. Be it the affirmation of its urgency, the desire for it to happen or the awareness that it is the only possible way for things to change. However, we often keep children and young people away from all these topics because we think they will not understand it. Through the Mundu project we want to develop critical knowledge of the reality that surrounds us, in order to educate a generation aware of the challenges facing our societies and our own lives.
A collaborative project that took place in San Sebastián. My role was to create all the branding. From the photography, game creator, video, social media, website, app and collected all the information into a book. 
1 year project.
I am not showing here the hole project because of its magnitude but I am happy to share with you if required! 
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